If you found out you were going to die tomorrow, how would you feel looking back on your life? How would you feel about all the ways you had compromised your deepest hungers, to be practical? Or nice? How would you see all those little betrayals that ended up creating an alternate version of you?
Or was your world a cemetery, full of little graves… where you left your real self behind?
If you feel a sense of loss, or a deep ache reading this….you are not alone. Additionally, how you got here is not your fault.
You got the same Woman’s handbook we all did. As a Woman, you give.
And as an empowered woman, you get shit done.
Your needs are supposed to come last.
Your sexuality should be turned on like a tap, when it’s asked for.
Anything that makes you feel alive is a “luxury” or selfish.
You can relax, when everything is taken care of.
(And you know, as well as I do, that never really happens.)
What if I told you, that having a life overflowing with delight, sensuality, beauty, and meaning, would make you a BETTER
Woman, Wife, Girlfriend, Mother, Employee, Business Owner, and overall human.
A life that where you prioritize what makes you happy
Each and every day.
Right now, you are living a life that is partially numb. You habitually fill the empty spaces scrolling through Instagram, FB, or checking your phone. You could be doing something amazing, but you are so busy thinking, you’re not really there. You spend more time talking to the voice in your head, than engaging with your senses. You make rational choices, that never feel 100% right, because you’ve lost contact with your intuition. You are afraid to let go because, who would be there? What could happen?
I’ve lived that life, and it’s not a life at all. Where is the joy? Where is the romance? Where is the FUCK YEAH?
“Dysfunction” means reaching for the thing you think you can have, instead of the thing you truly need. (Netflix, Facebook, Instagram, Sugar, Caffeine, Alcohol) What if you could feel, and be supported in, reaching for what you really desire? What you actually need?
Imagine…waking up with your breath deep in your belly and an overwhelming feeling of gratitude. The sheets are silk against your skin. The birds outside your private chorus. And your first thought is, “How will I make myself happy today?”
You are still a s-hero in your day, but instead of worrying about the gears that make your life tick, you focus on the things that bring you pleasure and joy. You find ways to infuse the banal with magic. You do your dishes in candlelight, dancing to music. You put three things that will light you up at the top of your to-do-lists. You rest when you start to feel disconnected. You relax into the spaces and breaths in between.
What once was an underlying feeling of unrest and self betrayal, has been replaced by excitement. There is a little bit of delicious fear too, because you’ve aligned your life with what you actually want. And not what you thought you could have. You are playing big in your relationships, your work, and your life. You’ve aimed for the moon, and at worst you’ll fall into a net of stars.
When you let go of the things you didn’t actually want, the things you were settling for, the things that were motivated by guilt, and the things that kept you numb, a space opened up for you to fill. And you spend your day looking for treasures and experiences, to fill it.
You don’t feel alone anymore. You don’t feel like it’s all on you. Finally, just like all other creatures, you understand you are part of a larger ecosystem. One in which there is no need to prove you belong. Everything in nature belongs. And you are understanding more and more just what type of criatura you are.
Reveling in every succulent moment…Awake within your life. Ready for exactly what you’ve asked for.
I’ve been helping women come alive for 20 years. I know all the traps and potholes. I have lived the familiar stories, and I can say from experience, these stories will either DEFINE your life, or they will be the stories that give contrast to your new amazing life.
Calls will be Sunday – Thursday at 11am PST / 2pm EST / 7pm GMT
with the exceptions of Tuesdays (12pm PST/ 8 pm GMT)
Sunday, March 21st
11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 7 pm GMT
Monday, March 22nd
11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 7 pm GMT
Thursday, March 25th
11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 7 pm GMT
Monday, March 29th
11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 7 pm GMT
Tuesday, March 30th
12 pm PST / 3 pm EST / 8 pm GMT
Thursday, April 1st
11 am PST / 2 pm EST / 7 pm GMT
Everyone who went through the last container, commented how profoundly their lives were changed.
If you are ready to step out of surviving and into your Hell Yes! , I’m here with my pom poms.
Three monthly payments of $325
One full payment of $899
ps. I want you all in!
There are not refunds, so please listen to your heart and trust what it tells you