Well done!
You did it!

You checked all the boxes. You became the person you were supposed to be. You are responsible, dependable and nurturing. A woman whom others lean on. And now you are looking around your own life wondering when it will include you. How did your world turn into a cage of to-do lists and obligations? Why do you feel like your life and relationships are more about maintenance then toe-curling pleasure? Why can’t you remember the last time you laughed so hard you peed a little?
When did you disappear?
You may not fully grasp it yet, but large, luminous, lives are not just for women thinner, richer, or younger than you are. You were meant to be BIG! WILDLY alive! Whole.
Deep under the demand to “keep it together,” is an inner voice whispering that it’s unsafe to let go. Perhaps it tells you that pursuing your own happiness is selfish. You should wait to know who you actually are until the children are grown, your business is stable, your cat gets neutered etc. You don’t get to fully live until your life is organized into neat little containers. But the joke is, nothing will never be perfectly in place. Are you daring to explore what’s possible, or are you being trampled by your “shoulds?”
Who am I
to issue this invitation?
I am your guide and ally on this path. I have been bringing women home to themselves for 20 years. My path here has been non-linear, like most well-lived lives. I have howled at the moon, been saved by Qi-gong, and taken drugs with a therapist. I have smoked a peace pipe, flipped off a Shaman, learned and unlearned emotionally responsible language, danced with my shirt off in public, avoided marrying an Essene guru, fasted, pounded my pelvis into a mat, talked to the stars, done a psychic fair, shrieked, bawled, hit, laughed, and learned surrender. I’ve also studied body psychotherapy, hypnotherapy, energy work, and have been engaged in a deeper listening since I was 13.
In my work you will have the birth you were always meant to have…the one where you are born and welcome as YOURSELF. Additionally, we will evaluate the root system of who you have become and recreate it based on YOUR desires. I will show you what it means to trust and surrender, “revel in our haunches,” match our insides to our outsides, and find integration through it all… of our wildness, our femininity, and the parts of us that society has told us are too much.

Are you sick of pretending and trying to “keep it together?”
Do you want to know what’s possible?
Are you aching to become who you are?
Do you want to trade your life of numb to-do lists for one of delight, passion, belly laughs, and love?
As featured in

you matter.
You matter. Your life matters. Your joy matters. Not solely because of what you can give. But because like any other creature on the planet, you were born to add your unique beauty to the world.
Who are you to tell a tree that it is too large or full of blossoms? Who are you to tell a tiger to “calm down?”
Who are you then…to deny yourself like this?
Please stop defying nature.
“Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?” —Mary Oliver
What people say
Isis has a gift for seeing you, and holding up your reflection in such a way that you cannot look away, only recognize and marvel at the spark of God within. She will meet you at your level, wherever you are, and with a sure hand guide you deeper.
There are no limits to your personal power, no point where you stop. To work with Isis is to discover the truth of that statement. Isis was the catalyst for my psychic awakening.

Sarah Curts
Mind/Body Intuitive at Body InsightsIf you are drawn to spend some time with Isis, you are in for a treat. Her deep compassion and presence hold space for those parts of us that long to be discovered to come to the surface and unravel at their own pace. Isis is a powerful catalyst and master body whisperer, she is also much more than that, she holds the template of what freedom can potentially be.
Alice Taylor
Isis was the voice of compassion that I needed during a difficult transition. She lent me resolve by reflecting back to me the best parts of myself and by being a voice of validation for feminine values which felt so true to me inside, but seemed lacking in the world and super scary to start living out… She held my hand during my first throes of freedom, and supported and guided me as I began to slip into my body.
I love now having bed snuggles with my back against the pillows, being hugged by angels, and feeling the beautiful presence of being held by my energy lover at my back. I will carry her voice with me to check myself and encourage myself to deepen and actually embody instead of thinking I am.
I’m so excited about what the next phase of life is about to start bringing. I’m not sure I would have been able to crystallize my confidence and willingness to truly break new ground without our sessions. Thank you for helping me get off to a running start and learn to get comfortable with just being… and knowing that is enough. I’m enough. I’m safe. And life is beautiful. Truly, actually feeling all of that for the first time.

Working with Isis is truly one of the best decisions I have ever made. She defies any previous notion I had of a teacher, mentor, guide or therapist… to me she is a bundle of vibrant love that shines straight through you to blow out the cobwebs and fill you with a warmth and strength that’s yours to keep.
With every session I grew in confidence and openness. I am so grateful to Isis, but also so proud of myself for taking a breath, listening to my deep self, and saying a big YES!

I am more empowered in my relationship. Where the old pattern was to crumple energetically and hand over my authority to my partner, now I am able to hold my own with him. I will risk disagreeing with him and – to my surprise – that has generated aliveness in the relationship and we have more fun. He loves feeling me in my power and my shift has called him to step up too, so now I am met by my equal. Isis supported us as a couple by offering a joint session. This was gold dust and empowered us to dissolve more layers of co-dependency, thanks to her ‘seeing’ the energetic dynamic between us and guiding us each into our own centre and sovereignty.

FeelingColours.co.ukA few weeks ago I hired the amazing Isis Leeor to get me out of this desperate fix I’m in. She’s working with nervous system repair on a whole other level to anyone I’ve come across. On a somatic level, I’ve never felt so challenged by someone I’ve worked with. I feel like a novice in her presence (in a good way). She can feel into me with such sensitivity and catch me the moment I begin to dissociate (which is aaaall-the-fucking-time it seems). I’m learning so much from this mighty woman.

All the years that Isis has allowed life to course through her body and break her open, whether through despair or through ecstasy, have made her BIG.
As a writer and a facilitator Isis reveals herself unapologetically, and in so doing gives everyone else permission to be more of their messy and divine selves, too.
Isis has a way of seeing the wholeness of a person and bringing that forth.

Jay Fields
Founder of Grace & Grit Yoga, and Author of “Teaching People, Not Poses” and “Home in Your Body”Get delicious tidbits in your inbox