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How easy it is to drag the body along through our day.

How easy it is to drag the body along through our day. Like a purse. Or briefcase. Or small child that is tantruming.

Most of us relate to our body as “an other.” I see it when I ask clients to touch their heart, or put a hand over their sex. That hand touches their body the same way it would a computer, or piece of furniture.

How often do you tell your body it is unimportant.
That you don’t get to be human?
And then turn around and expect it will show you pleasure?

Would you do this to a lover?

Ignore them.
Treat them like a thing.
And then demand they feel desire?

Your body is talking to you
From the dark dungeons of your withholding
to a haunting sense of

It stretches out in longing, to be felt
and not just managed.

How will you be with the stories
beneath your partner’s skin
Or their breath that leads your touch

When you won’t even
let yourself

fully exhale.

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